Fake teeth Inserts
For proper sizing, insert the false teeth and continue to form it with your tongue and fingers to help smooth them out and match the size and alignment to existing teeth. Once this fitting is complete, remove the false teeth and trim excess plastic with scissors while it is still soft enough to shape. Follow this up with more shaping with the warm butter knife until you are satisfied with the look and fit. These are only meant to be used as temporary false teeth.
See more about this method in this video…
How to Make Your Own False Teeth for $5
The third method used to make false teeth is by using a false teeth kit that will cost about $5 and take around 30-minutes to complete. It involves using dental wax that you can purchase in the dental aisle at your local drug store. Dental wax is commonly used to protect cheeks from excess damage while wearing braces.
Other materials needed to make your own false teeth at home include a package of crayons (with one white one) and a white candle. Using a metal tablespoon over a lit candle, melt the dental wax. Add the wax of another white candle melted into the mixture as the dental wax will not be firm enough to form into teeth. Add no more than 10 or 15-percent candle wax.
Crayons are used to add color to the teeth and by melting a little bit of a white, brown and yellow crayon, you will be able to closely match the color of your existing teeth. Once you reach the color you desire to use, pour the melted mixture back into the plastic container the dental wax came with and allow it to cool.
Once this has cooled, remove a portion of the wax and shape it to look like teeth with the use of your fingers and a sharp knife while the wax is still soft enough to shape. Insert it into your mouth once cooled enough to not burn your gums and use this as a fitting. Continue to shape and smooth until it looks like your other teeth. This is meant to be used as only a temporary false teeth solution.
Advantages/Disadvantages when Making Your Own False Teeth at Home
The obvious advantage of using a false teeth kit to making natural looking false teeth is the affordability. Cost is minimal and the results are good. They also require little time commitment so if you lose a tooth and have a social event to attend in the evening, you will be able to create a temporary replacement false tooth option with little effort.
The disadvantages include that they are mostly intended for emergency repairs and not as permanent replacements, and that you do need to be a little bit creative when it comes to the actual forming and shaping of the mixtures into teeth.
Otherwise, these are simple false teeth online solutions that will help you to make your own false teeth at home.