October 9, 2019

Oral disease Pictures
Sources of Pictures : DermNet | CDC | Univ Iowa | DermAtlas | Other Academic
These pictures are hosted on Hardin MD (Links to pictures on other sites)
Oral Disease Pictures hosted by Hardin MD : Sources
- DermNet.com (Dartmouth) : Sample pictures used by permission from the large dermatology site by Alan N. Binnick & Thomas P. Habif, Dartmouth Medical School, New Hampshire
- Ahmed Nadeem, D.O., Midwestern Univ/Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine - Pyoderma / Crack Cocaine
Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, University of Iowa
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Last updated Wednesday, Dec 08, 2010 [dental teeth pictures, picture of teeth, pictures of bad teeth, rotten teeth picture, pictures of human teeth, pictures of teeth, dental picture, teeth pictures, information on teeth, gum disease, mouth diseases, oral health, dental pictures, teeth images, teeth photos, teeth pics, fotos, teeth photographs, oral diseases images, oral diseases photos, oral diseases pics, oral diseases photographs] [