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How to get Dental implants?

cheap dental implants detectiveAre you looking for cheap dental implants? What are the best ways to explore to make those implants affordable with your limited budget? We know dental implants are the most durable and natural-looking teeth replacement solutions among the many options available to replace lost teeth. They certainly are the most sought after alternatives in modern dentistry.

However, not everyone can afford the procedure because the cost for dental implants can reach several thousand dollars, even for a single tooth implant and you probably have also other important expenses in your to-pay list .

Please also keep in mind, cost is definitely important, but make sure the dentist or surgeon is experienced and trustworthy. Your teeth and your health are priceless.

So, how can you get that much-needed dental implant without breaking the bank, so to speak?

Here are some alternatives to explore:

Use the know – it – all trick and the 2 resources you will need

To get affordable dental implants, the first basic way is to learn as much as you can about this topic. I know it can sound pretty obvious, but keep reading, as it is not as simple as you think.

Most people do tend to rely too much on their dental expert and take for granted their words without some questioning, which somehow encourages dentists to use their “authority” to charge higher fees.

Of course, I don’t say you should not believe or trust him (or her), but remember your interest is not always aligned with your dentist interest, which is earning as much money as possible sometimes without your health in mind… (Ok that is probably the worst case scenario)

Luckily, most dentists are ethical professionals who might charge higher fees for many reasons but wouldn’t dare to get sued or get a bad reputation for malpractice.

So when meeting your dentist, if you know your topic enough, and kind of “show” you can’t be fooled easily like a newbie, (this is what I call the know – it – all trick), chances are this dental expert won’t be tempted to quote you outrageous prices.

Remember knowledge is power….

How to get clear and unbiased information on dental implants? Use our 2 resources. Simply read our super clear 101 guide to understand what dental implants are, the surgical procedure, the risks and benefits.

Once you know pretty well your topic, you need to take a look at our complete consumer guide on dental implant cost, which will give you everything you need to know about average dental implant cost per tooth and for full mouth, the 6 factors that influence the cost, insurance coverage.

Be a cheap dental implants detective with our free step-by-step guide

If you really want affordable dental implants, you need to roll your sleeves up and go to hunt those more affordable solutions. It will need a little work but at the end of the day, it will be worth it.

Every dentist has specific implant costs that can vary a lot from one dental implant center to another. So to find the cheapest solutions, you can’t possibly just get one quotation.

holding hands groupYou will need to visit (check if the consultation is free or not) or contact several dentists and dental implant experts to get their prices for you situation. Of course depending on your budget, you will have to increase the number of dentists to visit or to contact. The lower your budget, the more dentists you need to check to increase your odds to find low cost dental implants.

Yet, it can be pretty daunting to contact all those professionals without being organized. You can easily lose track.

So to avoid being overwhelmed and be lost by all the information, be methodical and create what we call a “Dental implant hunt document “, it is mainly a quotation chart, which will serve to keep note of all your comments and prices in one place. So you can better compare them at the end.

OK ready to dive in? Follow our action list step by step:

  • Make a list of the dentists, dental implant centers, dental clinics to contact (not to visit at this stage): you can type “dental implant dentist” in google for example to list down all the dental professionals in your city. Note down the ones you want, the more, the better of course, but it will depend on your time, your motivation and the number of dental implant specialist in your area.
  • Find 2-3 clinics, which offer FREE consultation, this is very important. As these free consultations will serve you to list down exactly what procedures you need for your specific case and get your starting point for comparison. I really insist on finding at least 2-3 clinics so to be sure you get valid dental recommendations and advice. If you only have one clinic, it will be hard to be sure you have not been fooled.
  • Contact these 3 clinics and set up an appointment as quickly as possible.
  • Before any appointment, read our 2 articles here and here; it won’t take you more than a few minutes. And you will then be a dental implant expert. Nah, we are kidding, but you will know enough to know what is cheap or not, and know what important questions to ask
  • Visit each dental clinic and note down prices, materials, options they do recommend for your dental problem. Check you have similar advice and recommended procedures for your case from all 3 dental implant centers. If those 3 clinics recommend different procedures, then you will have to find another one free consultation clinic to confirm which option is for you.
  • Now you are ready to create you own dental implant hunt document. You will list down all the procedures involved for your situation (you know them now, thanks to these free consultations) Your document could look like the example below.
  • Dentist / Clinic impression Dentist arrogant and acting high and mighty, but seems to be very skilled
    Before afters nice before and afters, but a bit looking too fake for some pics, will need to be clear about looking natural
    Procedure Price Materials / Comments
    X- rays
    Ct scans
    Tooth extraction
    Implant for 1 tooth/ 2 teeth/ full mouth
    Additional procedures
    Bone augmentation
    Sinus lift
    Bone block
  • What to do with this document? You now know exactly what you need for your dental implants, so you can ask very specific questions to any dental centers of your original list without consultation (especially if they are not free). Call them or check their website. They often have a page where you can send them your enquiry. Ask them by email to give you their range cost for the specific procedure you need (again, you know what you need so you can be very specific and avoid wasting time) Of course, feel free to take advantage of other free consultations if you find more of them.
  • As you go along and contact each dental implant center or clinic, note down the prices for each element and any useful comments about material used, your overall impression of the dentist if you can meet him. The key idea is to be really organized to keep track of the various prices you will gather, as you can easily forget what is what….They would sometimes give you all-inclusive prices, so be sure to note it down clearly.
  • If you contact some dentists through their website, remember also to note down every clinic you contacted through their contact page to make sure you don’t end up contacting the same clinic several times. Believe me I did it several times…. I learnt my lesson…
  • At the end, you will end up with several quotations from maybe 10 -15 dental centers. You can compare them through several criteria, take a better decision and possibly find the cheapest dental implants.

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