Dental Implants
PAGE 6Side effects of Dental Implants
Dear Doctor, I am interested in getting a dental implant to replace a missing tooth. However, I have metal allergies so I m not sure if this is possible. What should I do? Dear Bart, Allergies to metals (elements) and metallics (alloys – compounds of two or more metals) can cover a lot of ground and really can open the proverbial can of worms. So let s give you a short overview…
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What is Dental Implants procedure?
The procedure itself is NOT painful, but do not let anyone tell you how gentle and easy the surgery is. The process involves cutting gum, drilling into the jawbone, shoving in a titanium post and sometimes even removal of teeth, bone grafts or sinus lifts. Therefore, some discomfort should be expected once the anesthesia wears off. The procedure itself is done with local…
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Who should do Dental implants?
Can anyone have dental implants? Most people can have dental implant treatment. The limiting factor is mostly the medical condition of the patient. If the patient is too frail to handle minor oral surgery then this elective treatment may be contraindicated due to possible medical and surgical complications. I was told that I cannot have dental implants because there is not…
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Dental Implants Periodontal Disease
If all of your teeth have been removed, then your poor gums have been cured. You can only have gum disease if you have natural teeth. Once the teeth are gone, the bacterial infection know as periodontitis can no longer occur. Being said, dental implants are a wonder option for you. There are many types of restorations that you can have on dental implants with all different…
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