Procedure of Dental Implants
The process is basically a three phase process, which can be different for each person. Typically the entire process takes from 5 to 8 months.
As you will see, this is a little different for people getting full mouth dentures. The process can be faster for those getting a whole new set of teeth!
Dental Implants Phase 1 – Evaluation and Preparation
This includes everything from tooth extraction to bone grafting (if needed.) A CT Scan is performed and the doctor will evaluate the existing dentition along with the bone structure at the dental implant site. At Benchmark Dental, we can perform the CT or CAT Scan in our Loveland Office. If no grafting is needed, we can go right into Phase 2; if bone grafting is necessary, Phase 1 will take 3 to 6 months. Bone grafting is generally needed if a tooth has been missing for a long time. During the first year of missing a tooth, bone is lost at double the rate of normal bone loss. This makes early placement of the artificial root critical to reducing the cost of dental implants and to reducing the amount of time that the dental implant process will take.
Dental Implants Phase 2 – Artificial Root Placement
In Phase 2, the artificial root is placed in the bone and allowed to heal. The procedure itself takes 1 to 2 hours and the healing time is 3 to 6 months. During this time the titanium alloy (the same material used in joint replacement) implant will heal around and merge with the surrounding bone tissue. No other load bearing medical implant has as rapid healing or recovery times.
Dental Implants Phase 3 – Placement of the Crown
In Phase 3 an artificial tooth or crown is placed on the artificial root previously set into your jaw. An impression is made of your mouth and your new tooth or teeth are created so that they are the correct size, shape and color for your mouth. This phase generally takes 2 visits about two weeks apart.
What are the Same Day or One Day Implants we see advertised?
As you can see from the factors we have outlined above, there is not much room for Same Day or One Day Implants. Dentists who claim that they can do one day implants are, in our opinion, putting you at unnecessary risk of implant failure. Or they are engaging in a misleading advertising tactic that, frankly, we don’t like. The number one cause of dental implants failure to integrate is movement. The proper method for insuring long term success is placing the artificial root and allowing the body time to accept and integrate the implant.
There is always an exception!
There is a situation where “Teeth in a Day” Is possible. This is when we are talking about giving a person a whole new set of teeth. If you are interested in restoring your whole smile, and if you have struggled or continue to struggle with ailing or failing teeth, you might want to
When patients ask, “How long does the dental implant process take?” You can see that there are a number of factors that influence the answer to this question. But it always starts with an evaluation. Early treatment is effective in reducing the overall time frame.