Cheap health and dental insurance for Individuals
Bronze! On this health plan, you’ll have low monthly payments while being covered for check-ups and preventive care. You could pay more out of pocket if you need more care, but if you don’t expect to go the doctor very much this year, Bronze is a good bet. These health plans can be great for people who are younger with no dependents.
Silver! On this plan, you’ll get affordable health insurance that covers all the basics and more. You’ll still have low monthly payments, but you’ll spend a little more out-of-pocket if you need to visit the hospital or a specialist. You’ll also get preventive care for $0 with no copay and no deductible. If you work hard to keep yourself in good health, Silver is a great option for your budget.
Gold! This is a good all-around health plan. You’ll have moderate monthly payments and lower out-of-pocket costs in the event of an illness or hospital visit. You’ll have a lower deductible to meet, and you can save on visits to doctor or specialists whenever you need them.
Platinum! On this plan, your monthly payments are higher, but you’re covered for emergencies, regular doctor visits, and preventive care alike, with little or no deductible. It’s broad coverage with out-of-pocket savings for individuals and families.