Cheap health and dental insurance plans
Consider the following statistics about health care coverage in Nevada:
- Total Nevada Residents - 2, 571, 149
- Total Nevada uninsured residents - 18.05%
- Total Nevada HMO enrollment - 513, 135
- Avg annual employee premium in NV employer-sponsored plan (after employer contrib): $863
- Avg NV hospital cost per inpatient day (before insurance) - $1, 875
- Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population, states (2007-2008), U.S. (2008)
- Hospital Adjusted Expenses per Inpatient Day, 2007
Nevada Health Plans
Looking to purchase Nevada health insurance? We offer a broad selection of Nevada health plans for individuals, families and small businesses from most of the leading Nevada health insurance companies.
Nevada State Health Resources
Residents can also refer to a number of resources within Nevada:
The Nevada Department of Human Resources offers medical insurance through a number of programs for individuals and families. The coverage may be free to you or require a small fee and services provided include doctor visits, prescriptions, dental care, eye exams and glasses, therapies.
The Bureau of Family Health Services improves the health of families with special attention focusing on women, infants and children, including children with Special Health Care Needs.