Cosmetic Dentistry and Dental implants
For years, common dentures were the only choice for people who had missing teeth. With the constant advances in oral technology, new systems, such as the All-On-4 Dental Implants System are available for people who are looking for denture implants that can provide a strong bite and a palate-less, fixed denture, that will stay in place when you eat, chew or bite.
The All On Four is a dental implant solution that has helped thousands of people worldwide to get a strong bite again, just like in your younger years! It is called “all On 4″ because the palate-less bridge is supported over four implants. There is also All-On-6 (fixed hybrid bridge over six implants) which is done using 6 vertical implants, 3 on each side of the arch to provide stability.
The All On 4 dental implants are the preferred solution by many patients and dentists that look for a fixed bridge that can make the patient feel safe when eating, chewing, speaking or laughing. These All On 4 dentures are screwed to the dental implants previously placed in your jawbone. There is no need to take them out when you sleep at night or when you brush and clean them as you would your natural teeth. You will also be needing regular visits to your dentist to check the healthy recovery of those implants.
In Cancun, you will find our all-on-four solution at very reasonable prices, without sacrificing the quality of the services rendered. Dentists and dental surgeon specialists here at Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry are experienced placing the ALL ON 4 dental implants system and at the same time, you will be saving lots on dental implants.