Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry
The Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry (JIACD) was founded by a pair of board certified periodontists who shared a vision of combining traditional peer reviewed dental literature with twenty first century multimedia technology. As the world’s first truly interactive paperless dental journal, JIACD provides its readers an experience that is simply not available with traditional hard copy paper journals.
Professional Responsibility
JIACD strives to provide the dental profession with peer reviewed original research, authoritative reviews, clinical techniques, and expert commentary pertinent to modern clinical practice. The JIACD editorial board, composed of some of the most respected names in dentistry, ensures that JIACD articles are of paramount quality and contribute to the advancement of our profession.
Environmental Responsibility
Did you know that a single traditional print dental journal may use over 1.5 million pages of paper in one month? Considering that there are over two dozen print dental journals currently available, our profession is using at least 36 million pages of paper per month for dental journals! In many cases, these journals are read once and discarded. What a waste of our natural resources! As educated professionals and respected members of our communities, we can and should do better. JIACD is leading the effort to make dental literature an environmentally friendly facet of the dental profession. Just as most dental offices are now going digital with paperless records, JIACD expects other dental journals to follow our lead and convert to paperless editions in the very near future.
Clinical Pertinence
JIACD articles are intended to benefit you, the actively practicing dental provider. With each JIACD issue, readers are afforded the opportunity to assess clinical techniques, cases, literature reviews, and expert commentary that can immediately impact their daily dental practice.
We hope that you enjoy reading JIACD and are happy to provide our profession this valuable resource free of charge. We encourage all of our fellow dental providers to submit original research, innovative techniques, unique case reports, and pictorial documentation of advanced clinical cases to become active participants in the JIACD experience.