Lorain County Health & Dentistry
We seek candidates who would bring their commitment and talents to the work of the Board. We seek to create a balance of community and professional representatives to contribute diverse perspectives and experience to the strategic oversight of the Center. Specific areas of need and experience include: finance, accounting or banking; marketing/public relations; human resources; academic or educational institution leaders; other private-sector business leaders or owners (real estate, manufacturing, auto, service industries, and so forth). Individuals who reside or work in our geographic service area are preferred.
Responsibilities of Volunteer:
Attend Board meetings and participate in at least one Committee meeting. Support Far West Center and
contribute to fundraising. Perform governance functions of oversight, planning, and mission-centric services. Directors are asked to commit to a three-year term. Candidates will first be invited to meet with the Board’s Governance Committee and the CEO.
Meeting dates/times/location:
Monthly meetings on the fourth Tuesday each month, except April and August. Meetings held at 6:00pm at the Westlake facility.
Other pertinent information: Far West Center is an award-winning community mental health center serving the WestShore communities since 1974. We are distinguished by excellence in care for individuals and families coping with the impact of serious mental health problems through early intervention, treatment and recovery services.
Our Center is not only a treasured resource in our area, but it is the only Center serving western Cuyahoga County, and only one of two mental health centers serving all of Lorain County. Services are prioritized for low-income uninsured and under-insured persons, otherwise unable to afford or access needed care.
Please Contact:
Stephanie Wiersma, President & CEO
1205 Broadway, Lorain, OH 44052
Dedicated leader with interest in serving on a non-profit board; ideally with past board or board committee experience; a business, clergy, banking/finance, education or other leader with knowledge of the community and a desire to improve the community’s health.
Responsibilities of Volunteer:Understand and support the Health • Center’s mission, purpose and goals.
Maintain confidentiality of corporate, financial, quality and other proprietary information.
Place interest in the Health Center above personal or other business interests, and avoid conflicts, including the appearance of conflicts.
Regularly attend, and actively participate in, Board meetings.
Serve on at least one committee: Quality/Planning, Finance, Nominating/Bylaws, Ad hoc.
Offer opinions and ideas to enrich discussions during Board and Committee meetings.
Consider the needs and interests of the service area and community at all times; use data from the Community Health Needs Assessment and other sources to plan.
Contribute to planning discussions to enhance services and meet identified need, including long-term (strategic) and short-term planning; use data from the Community Health Needs Assessment and other sources to plan.
Use quality (clinical, operational, and financial) and patient satisfaction data to drive discussion and guide decisions.
Review the agenda and information packet sent prior to each Board meeting.
Use reasonable judgment when making decision.
Support the consensus whenever possible.
Board meets on the 4th Tuesday from 5-6:30 pm at 1205 Broadway, Lorain, OH 44052.
Finance Committee meets monthly immediately before Board. Quality/Planning Committee meets quarterly.
Nominating/Bylaws Committee meets at least annually and as needed.
Other pertinent information:
Lorain County Health & Dentistry has certain obligations with regard to Board composition. ��More than 51% of directors must be consumers of services (at any LCH&D location), or be a parent or guardian of a child receiving services. No more than 50% of directors may earn more than 10% of their salary from health care. This applies only to those directors who are not consuming medical or dental services at the health center. Directors must live or work in the service area, which includes all of Lorain County. However, we specifically seek directors who live or work in Lorain, Elyria, Sheffield/Lake/Village and Oberlin as most of those we serve reside in these areas. We desire a board that reflects the communities we serve.