Bendigo Health Dental
What is the Commonwealth Child Dental Benefits Scheme (CDBS)?
CDBS is a new Medicare funded programme that allows for up to $1000 basic dental treatment over a two year period for eligible 2-17 year olds.
Am I eligible?
2-17 year olds are eligible if they recieve Family Tax Benefit A or other relevant Australian Government payments.
What dental treatments can be claimed?
Check-ups, fissure sealants, cleaning, fillings, x-rays, extractions and root canals. Benefits exclude orthodontic or cosmetic dental work and services provided in a hospital operating theatre.
Do I need to pay anything?
No, you will not have any out-of-pocket costs when your children are treated in a public dental clinic. All public dental clinics bulk bill treatments for children only.
How to make an child dental appointment?
The children's dental program application form is at the bottom of this page. Our staff will contact you to arrange an appointment.
For more CDBS information you can visit
Emergency care
Clients seeking services must have a current Healthcare or Pension card. All emergencies undergo a triage assessment and are placed into one of five categories. A co-payment fee applies.The treatment time frame depends on the urgency of the dental problem. Treatment is provided to alleviate pain in cases of toothaches, dental swellings, broken teeth and fillings. Contact the dental clinic on 5454 7994.
General dental care
Adults over 18 years seeking services must have a current Healthcare or Pension Card. A co-payment fee applies. To receive treatment clients need to be placed on a waiting list. Service also includes the provision of dentures where recommended by the dental practitioner.
Dental Teaching Clinic - phone: 03 5454 6910
Bendigo Health and La Trobe University operate a Dental Teaching Clinic for future dental professionals. Oral health and dentistry students will provide a full range of dental procedures for child, adolescent and adult patients. Dental treatment is free of charge and supervised by qualified dental professionals. Eligibility criteria apply.
Contact us
Monday - Friday, 8.15am - 4.45pm