Erie Dental Health Center
- Adult and Senior Health Services
- Behavioral Health/Counseling
- Case Management
- Children’s Health Services
- Health and Wellness
- Oral Health for Children
- Prenatal Health Services
- Women’s Health
Erie Humboldt Park Health Center is our second largest health center and provides a wide variety of services for men, women and children — including adult primary care, women’s health care, behavioral care, pediatric care, prenatal care and outreach to enhance the health of the Humboldt Park community. You can come to our Humboldt Park health center for everything from free pregnancy tests and school physicals to cholesterol checks and diabetes management. We even offer counseling services to help you deal with family problems or emotional issues.
Erie Humboldt Park also has a five-chair, state-of-the-art dental facility that provides comprehensive oral health services — from cleanings and fluoride treatments to crowns and root canals – to children and pregnant women. Adult dental patients also must be medical patients of Erie Family Health Center.