Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science
The Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science is offered full-time on-campus at the Gold Coast campus Griffith Health Centre. Classes may be scheduled during the day and evening throughout the week and on Saturdays.
Due to the need for students to develop complex clinical and technical skills throughout this program, extensive hands-on exposure to clinical/laboratory environments is required. As a result, some courses commencing from Year 1/Trimester 2 of this program will extend beyond the standard 13-week teaching trimester (i.e. commencing earlier and extending later than the standard 13-week trimester). Students are advised that the timetables for these courses will not exceed 21 teaching weeks per trimester (i.e. the academic year will not exceed 42 teaching weeks in duration). Exact dates over which these extended courses will run will be published on a trimester-by-trimester basis in the Academic calendar.
Student Income Support
From 2017, to be classed as a full-time student, you are required to enrol in a minimum number of credit points each standard study period. The minimum credit points for full-time enrolment in this program is 30 credit points.
Trimester 1 and Trimester 2 are deemed standard study periods. As Trimester 3 is a non-standard study period, continuing students moving from one year to the next will not be required to study during this trimester to be eligible for student income support.
Domestic students who commence in Trimester 3 may be eligible for student income support from the onset of study provided they are enrolled full-time in this study period.
Managing interruptions
The following provides specific information on interrupting and resuming your studies in this program:
Leave of absence:
Students will require approval from the Head, School of Dentistry and Oral Health or nominee to take a leave of absence. The period of leave will normally be one year.
A student who has discontinued enrolment in a Dentistry and Oral Health program and who is not on an approved leave of absence is required to seek approval for readmission to the program from the Head, School of Dentistry and Oral Health or nominee.
Readmission to a Dentistry and Oral Health program is not guaranteed and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students must complete and submit a Request for Readmission form.
The following document provides specific information on interrupting and resuming your studies in this program and refers specifically to Clinical Skills Competency requirements:
Students who are returning to the program after an approved leave of absence or are being readmitted to the program or are required to repeat a non-clinical DOH-coded course will also be required to successfully complete Clinical Skills Competency requirements before continuing with their program. Please refer to the above School of Dentistry and Oral Health Guidelines on Leave of Absence.
Students who do not successfully complete these requirements will not be eligible to continue their program. Successful completion of these requirements will ensure students remain competent in their practical skills and are well prepared to continue with the program. Students who do not successfully complete these requirements will not be eligible to continue their program. Please refer to the Griffith University Inability to Complete Required Components of Professional Qualification Policy for further information.