Facts about Oral Health
This newsletter series provides Head Start staff with information on current practice and practical tips for promoting good oral health. Visit Cook's Corner for simple recipes for healthy snacks. Health and social service professionals may also find the newsletter helpful.
Use this guide to find information about oral health-related curricula that may be used in Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Users can search by audience, topics, and availability to find the curriculum that works best for them.
Find recipes for delicious healthy snacks that children can make as a class project or at home with their families. Recipes are collected from the Brush Up on Oral Health newsletter between September 2012 and April 2014. Available in [PDF, 748KB].
Many myths about the oral health of infants, young children, and pregnant women exist. Get the facts in this infographic. Available in [PDF, 498KB].
February is National Children's Dental Health Month. It is an ideal time to promote the importance of oral health. Developing and maintaining good oral health habits and getting regular oral heath care helps children and pregnant women achieve a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.
February is National Children's Dental Health Month, an ideal time to increase awareness of how drinks with sugar add to tooth decay. Some parents don't realize that many drinks they serve to young children contain natural or added sugar. These drinks are a major contributor to tooth decay in children.
This series of handouts for pregnant women and parents of infants and young children provides simple tips on oral health issues. Early Head Start and Head Start health staff are encouraged to share the handouts with families to promote good oral health. The handouts are available in English and Spanish.
Share this brochure with Head Start parents to promote oral health in young children. Topics include the importance of primary teeth, visiting the dentist by age 1, and the roles of fluoride and oral hygiene in preventing tooth decay. It includes tips for checking and cleaning teeth and information on feeding. Available in and a version for .
Early Head Start staff can use this brochure to teach expecting and new parents about the importance of oral care and hygiene for infants. It includes tips for taking care of an infant's gums and teeth, feeding their infant healthy foods, and getting a dental checkup by age 1. Parents can learn to keep their own mouths healthy and find resources for finding a dentist. Available in [PDF, 277KB].
Head Start staff can use this brochure to teach parents and caregivers the importance of oral care and hygiene during early childhood. It includes tips for brushing children's teeth, feeding their children healthy foods, and getting dental checkups and treatment. Parents can learn to keep their own mouths healthy and find resources for finding a dentist. Available in [PDF, 220KB].
This website provides resources to help parents teach children (ages 2-5) about oral hygiene. The resources include videos, tip sheets, games, quick facts, coloring pages, and resource guides. Topics include toothbrushing, nutrition, and visiting the dentist. There is also a guide for health providers. Available in .
IHS Head Start: Start Healthy. Grow Healthy
Find out how Head Start staff can help improve the oral health of American Indian and Alaska Native infants, children, and pregnant women. The booklets provide information to help programs meet oral health-related Program Performance Standards and apply best practices for prevention and early intervention. They also include sample forms for assessment, treatment, and topical fluoride application; posters on first aid for dental emergencies and oral health promotion; and a reference guide on classroom toothbrushing.
[PDF, 438KB]
[PDF, 338KB]
Head Start staff can use this guide to learn about why serving water to young children instead of other drinks, such as soda, fruit drinks, and sports drinks, is important. It includes guidelines for serving water and other healthy drinks in early childhood programs. The guide also includes a performance standard checklist for staff to use to promote healthy drinks.
Learn how to use the "lift the lip" technique for screening the teeth of infants and children for tooth decay. This flip chart is designed for Head Start staff working with children and families in the Pacific Islands and other rural settings.