Oral Health and systemic disease
Welcome to the Department of Oral Immunology and Infectious Diseases website. The department is home to 8 full time faculty and over 50 dedicated staff, students and post-doctoral fellows. The department researchers are involved in cross-disciplinary projects to dissect the molecular and cellular basis of the interactions between oral bacteria and their host, and to define the influence of oral bacteria on diseases in other parts of the body. Moreover, oral bacteria persist in the mouth in part by organizing into complex multi-species communities and have devised sophisticated ways to avoid the attention of the immune system.
The Department of Oral Immunology and Infectious Diseases researchers are well-funded, highly productive and approachable. Our faculty care about science, health issues and translating new information to clinical breakthroughs that will facilitate disease management. We are committed to graduate education and have active programs directed toward MS and PhD degrees along with a combined DMD/PhD track.
We encourage you to interact with us, contribute and help us in advancing dentistry and oral research through new discoveries in basic science and their clinical translation. Explore the links on this page to learn more about the faculty and their research, and for information regarding training opportunities.