Implant Dentistry Las Vegas
I emailed Carlos (office manager) right after the last entry (Monday) with the questions I had about the issues. He promptly responded saying Dr Golpa would call me Tuesday to follow up on those issues and he inquired as to the aesthetic look of the center line which is now fine. I guess the office is still busy as I have not heard back from anyone as of yet. I am hoping I will before the weekend. Partially because that pinching I felt (Nov 14th post) seems to be getting worse and I am now feeling an occasional dull pain on the opposite side of the same prosthesis. I hope this is not having any impact on the actual implants.
My email to Carlos had the following questions:
How come the perms were so different than the temps ?
Also can you tell Jose and/or Cat in the lab that part of my temps have a seamless transition into my gums, perfect, and that is how I would like all the perms to be, the wider areas of the prosthesis are awkward and uncomfortable.
Also I'm not sure but I do not think a new impression of my lower gum was done. Couldn't that cause an issue with fit as well ?
And after adjustments and trimming are done, the prosthesis is rough, is it polished smooth before the final attachment ?
My wife said you had 4 surgeries that day, shouldn't I schedule a day that is not so busy ?
And any other thoughts or advice you might have are appreciated.
And as an afterthought I will also ask (which is a big concern for me) Why both visits to the office did we have so much difficulty screwing in the prosthesis to the implants ?
I worry about the alignment of the hardware putting stress on the prosthesis, implants and my jaw(month 5 update).
In Carlos' email he said "You can rest assured that we will correct all issues prior to delivery."
I guess I can live with the difficult implementation and extra trips as long as the outcome is worth it.