Mass Health Safety Net Dental
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Find an HSN Provider
The Health Safety Net can only pay for services provided by acute care hospitals and community health centers in Massachusetts. The links below list providers that may accept HSN, including locations and contact information. Contact the provider to see what services they offer to HSN patients.
HSN Pharmacies
Please note, in most cases HSN pharmacies are only able to fill prescriptions written by a provider from the affiliated hospital or health center indicated in the list.
How to File a Grievance
Patients may request that the Health Safety Net conduct a review of an eligibility determination, or of provider compliance with the Health Safety Net regulation. To file a grievance with the HSN, send a letter to
Health Safety Net
Attn: HSN Grievances
100 Hancock Street, 6th floor
Quincy, MA 02171
At a minimum, the letter should include your name and address. If possible, it should also include information about the situation, the reason for the grievance, the provider's name (if a provider is involved), and any other relevant information. The more information you give, the better. It is very important to include the provider's name if a provider is involved.
More information is available in the Health Safety Net Eligible Services regulation (101 CMR 613.00 in section 613.04(3)). Questions about filing a grievance should be directed to the HSN Help Line at the number listed below.
Help Line Information
If the information you need is not available online please contact the Health Safety Net Customer Service Center by dialing 877-910-2100 (toll-free) or emailing hsnhelpdesk@state.ma.us.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the Health Safety Net?
The Health Safety Net is a fund set up to help pay for health services for certain low income uninsured and underinsured individuals. The Health Safety Net used to be called the Uncompensated Care Pool (UCP), or Free Care.
2. Where can I use the Health Safety Net?
You can use the Health Safety Net at hospitals and community health centers. However, at most hospitals, the doctors bill separately. The Health Safety Net will pay for hospital facility charges (for example beds, nurses, and equipment), but you may have to pay bills for the doctors and for services like lab tests and x-rays. Be sure to check with your doctor first to see if the Health Safety Net will cover all the services you receive, or just some.
3. How long will I be eligible for the Health Safety Net?
You may have Health Safety Net eligibility for up to a year, but you may receive review forms before the year is over. If you get review forms or any other forms asking for information, please complete them as soon as possible. If your address, phone number, health insurance, or income changes, you need to call the MassHealth office (1-888-665-9993) immediately to give them your new information.
4. Do I need to be a U.S. Citizen to be eligible for the Health Safety Net?
You do not need to be a U.S. Citizen to be eligible for the Health Safety Net. You do need to live in Massachusetts and provide proof identity. More information can be found in the Member Booklet for Health Coverage and Help Paying Costs (ACA-1).
5. What are Health Safety Net Primary and Health Safety Net Secondary?
If you do not have any other insurance, and qualify based on income, you will have Health Safety Net Primary. If you have other insurance, and qualify based on income, you will get Health Safety Net Secondary. If you have Health Safety Net Secondary, your other insurance will need to be first billed for health services you get before the Health Safety Net is billed.
6. How do I apply for the Health Safety Net?
You may apply using the MassHealth application called the Application for Health and Dental Coverage and Help Paying Costs (ACA-3) form. You can get a paper application by calling MassHealth at 1-800-841-2900 or meet the financial counselors at your local hospital or community health center for help with the application.
7. I have a letter that says I am eligible for ConnectorCare. What happens if I do not enroll in ConnectorCare? Can I still get health services from the Health Safety Net?
If you have been determined eligible for ConnectorCare, you have 90 days of HSN eligibility starting on your date of application to enroll in a ConnectorCare plan. If you do not enroll within this time period, you will no longer be eligible for HSN.