Lifetime Dental Health
Our goal is to keep your teeth healthy for life, which requires a life-long relationship with a dental practice built on trust. Dr. Barry and Dr. Love have extensive experience and training in all aspects of dentistry. Six Month Smile, Invisalign, Oral Sedation, Dental Implants, to Full Smile Makeovers. We offer a comfort menu to make your visit more enjoyable. Most important of all, we are here to serve you and your family. Please view our website for all of our patient testimonials and current reviews.
Established in 2009.
Lifetime Dental Health is centrally located and convenient to Arlington, Dublin, Hilliard, Worthington and Powell. From the moment you call or visit our office, we will treat you and your family in such a friendly manner, you will find that dental care can be a uniquely pleasant experience. Our dentistry team is dedicated to making you feel comfortable and relaxed and providing you with exceptional service. Our advanced training and experience with state-of-the-art procedures and materials enables us to create the healthy, bright, beautiful smile you have always wanted.
Meet the Business Owner
Dr. Barry and Dr. Love received DDS degrees from the Ohio State School of Dentistry. They have extensive and advanced training in all areas of dentistry and are always staying up to date on the new treatments and technology. They were both selected as Top Dentists of Central Ohio in 2016, and have been for the last 5 years.