Dental Health News
In this issue, learn why oral health literacy is important and what Head Start staff can do to help families improve it. Also, find a recipe for a healthy snack that can be made in a Head Start classroom or at home.
In this issue, learn more about case management and how it can improve the oral health of children enrolled in Head Start. Also, find out how case managers and parents can work together to meet children’s oral health needs. This issue includes a recipe for a healthy snack that can be made in a Head Start classroom or at home.
In this issue, find answers to questions about the amount of fluoride toothpaste to use, how to set up a daily toothbrushing routine, and how to clean and store toothbrushes. This issue also includes a recipe for a healthy snack that can be made in a Head Start classroom or at home.
This issue describes the impact of oral heath on a child’s health and development. Learn about strategies and resources Head Start staff can use to promote oral health among parents and in the classroom. This issue also includes a recipe for a healthy snack that can be made in a Head Start classroom or at home.
In this issue, find out why it is important for parents to be engaged in their child’s oral health. Learn strategies and resources Head Start staff can use to engage parents in their child’s oral health care. This issue also includes a recipe for a healthy snack that can be made in a Head Start classroom or at home.
In this issue, find out why maintaining good oral health can be challenging for pregnant women and children living in rural areas. Head Start staff can share this information with parents. This issue also includes a recipe for a healthy snack that can be made in a Head Start classroom or at home.
This issue explains why it is important to lower the factors that cause tooth decay and increase the factors that protect teeth from tooth decay. Head Start staff can share this information with parents. This issue also includes a recipe for a healthy snack that can be made in a Head Start classroom or at home.
This issue explains why weaning from a bottle is important and offers tips that Head Start staff can share with parents to help. It also provides a recipe for a healthy snack that can be made in a Head Start classroom or at home.
Dental hygienists play an important role in promoting oral health and preventing oral disease. Because of this role, the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness, working in partnership with the American Dental Hygienists' Association, created the Dental Hygienist Liaison (DHL) program. This issue describes the role of DHLs and how they can help staff promote oral health for pregnant women and children in Head Start programs.