Dental Health Services Reviews
Please discuss any concerns with your dental office first, before communicating any grievance* to Dental Health Services. If you are unable to resolve issues with your dental office, you may then contact us online by filling out the Confidential Grievance Online Form and submitting it electronically. You may also contact your Member Service Specialist at 800-637-6453, or print and mail the Confidential Grievance Form in Word format to:
Member Services Department
3833 Atlantic Avenue
Long Beach, CA
Upon receipt of your grievance, the Quality Assurance and External Affairs Specialist will respond within 5 calendar days.
Dental Health Services makes every effort to resolve grievances within 30 calendar days of notification. Grievances involving emergency care are addressed immediately and responded to in writing within three (3) calendar days. Should you be unhappy with the decision, you may request a review by notifying Dental Health Services in writing.
*Grievance: a written or oral expression of dissatisfaction regarding the plan and/or dentist, including quality of care concerns, and shall include a complaint, dispute, request for reconsideration or appeal made by an enrollee or the enrollee’s representative.
Para assistencia en Español, favor de llamar a su Especialista de Servicios a 800-637-6453.
In this section:
If you have any question or concern regarding your dental plan and you have attempted to receive an answer or resolution from your Dental Health Services' Member Services Specialist, you are invited to click the link above and your issue will receive additional review.