Dental Health Services Victoria
The Titanium application is deployed across the two program areas using the following technology:
- Community Oral Health Programme Separate databases for individual health services centrally hosted and made available to users through an IP based wide area network employing web-based Citrix technology. Chairside computers available for clinical users.
- Royal Melbourne Dental Hospital Single database centrally hosted and made available to users through an IP based wide area network employing web-based Citrix technology. Chairside computers available for clinical users.
- The databases are hosted on servers located at a Data Centre, which is accessible throughout Victoria via the different Health Networks.
Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) was established in 1996 to improve the planning, integration, coordination and management of Victoria’s public dental services. DHSV is responsible to the Victorian Minister for Health and employs around 560 staff.
DHSV manages and operates the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne and purchases services from around 55 agencies that operate approximately 85 community dental clinics across the state under the Community Oral Health Programme.
Services are available to all Victorians who hold a concession card as well as their dependents. Non card holder children are also eligible up to 12 years of age through the Early Childhood Oral Health Program and School Dental Service.