Who makes Dental implants?
All titanium implants used in the USA are good implants no matter who makes them. They all have to meet the same FDA requirements. Only difference is design and picking the right implant for the case. A grade 5 bolt from Lowes is the same as a grade 5 bolt from Home Depot. The real importance is using all the technology available and the proper planning and placing of the implants.
Different manufacturers make very different implants for various clinical conditions. Some are short and fat to go in bone near a sinus. Some are narrow to fit between front teeth. Some integrate very quickly. Some can be loaded immediately. All implants sold in the US are good. Some better than others in certain situations.
If you are looking for the "best" implant on the market you are going to be hard set in finding a winner. I would look for how long the company has been around (not good to have a ton of implants and then 10 years later realize the company is bankrupt and not making parts any more) You also want to see what grade of titanium is being used. grade 1 is the best but sometimes hard to find that info. I think that the big ones biohorizons, nobel, strauman, astra and 3i are all solid choices.
The ability to see all bony structures with a head and neck CT is the gold standard for diagnosis hands down!
The multi step procedure for implants vs the immediate load depend on bone stability and force required to insert the implant and if you have multiple implants across the arch to help stabilize each other
The real important question is how to gain the highest level of success in your mouth. All the implants on the market today behave roughly in the same manner, they all integrate with bone, they all have connections to abutments and crowns with small screws. They all have the risk of developing peri-implant disease. They are all some grade of titanium but non are pure titanium as they all contain impurities.
Really the factor that influences success is the surgeon placing the implants.
We have had tremendous success in our clinic with placing Ceramic Implants these are non metalic implants that seem to solve many problems that the other implants have not been able to solve yet.
Good Luck
There are several dental implant manufacturers that are excellent. The big names are Nobel, Biohorizons, Bicon, Straumann, Biomet 3i, Astra, Zimmer, etc.There are hundreds of "knock off" manufacturers as well. The key is to use implants that are guaranteed and have good research. The small companies often do not. There is a reason certain dental implants are cheap. There is a reason doctors that offer "cheap" or "discount" implants are doing so. The best step is to see a board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon to guide you through the process
Good question. There are hundreds of dental implant manufacturers out there. The most established companies are 30 years old and are accessible with replacement parts and good representarion in the marketplace. Straumann and Nobel Biocare are the most established, followed by 3i, BioHorizons and Implant Direct. As for immediate versus delayed loading, that depends on the outcome of a thorough clinical examination performed by your dentist or specialist as well as a 3D CAT scan which will reveal how much bone you have. A year post extraction should be sufficient time for jaw healing to progress to implant treatment.
I think at this point the major implant manufacturers all have good products and get good results. I like Astratech, Zimmer and Straumann. Seeing an oral surgeon and getting a cone beam CT would be a good first step to see if you are ready for implants.