Basic Dental Implants
The concept began fifteen years ago when Dr. Americo Fernandes, a Canadian dentist, realized that the multi-talented family dentists in North America should be given the opportunity to offer their appropriate patients in-office implants. Along with his partner. Mr. Dan Blacklock, Dr. Fernandes spent years researching and creating an implant specifically designed for the general dentist. Omni-Tight® implants satisfy the need for:
- An easily learned implant placement procedure that could be easily integrated into an already busy practice.
- Reliability when good case selection principles are followed.
- Cost effectiveness with financial soundness.
Do not let our name give you the wrong impression. Basic Dental Implants does not produce some generic, low-budget implant. By drawing on the research and lessons learned from over twenty-five years of implant placement, we were able to improve upon the procedure and implant design to make it more compatible with the general dentistry practice. Since its inception, the system has gone through a process of continual improvement distilling the implant and componentry to their most basic and fundamental level.
Our Purpose
To simplify implant treatment from a clinical as well as laboratory aspect. To deliver well thought-out components. Basic Dental Implants has rethought every aspect of implantology and created Omni-Tight®, a well designed set of instruments and an innovative and simplified surgical procedure which allows general dentists to expertly, predictably and cost-effectively place and restore implants. Our internally splined implants are placed without laying a flap in most cases and a cementable post and core eliminates problematic screws. The design makes these implants as simple to place as crown and bridgework and stronger than most other implant systems. Implant kits come with all necessary components so ordering is easy too.
Our Goal
Our goal is simple. We want dentists to stop the compulsory cutting of good tooth structure for bridges and make implants the first treatment alternative that both the dentist and patient examine. By making quality implants that are inexpensive enough for most every patient to afford, Basic Dental Implants will change dentistry.
Our Commitment
Basic Dental Implant commitment is to provide the dental profession with:
- A state of the art, yet ingeniously simple to use implant system.
- Inexpensively priced, high quality implant components and instruments.
- An end to the confusion of myriad components.
- Comprehensive, reasonably priced education.
- Excellent customer service.
- Constant product improvement.
Our Vision
To change the conventional thinking about implants and make implant dentistry a common part of general dentistry practices.